Best Diet Plan for Badminton Players. Before, During and After Game MEALS

Are you looking for the best diet plan for badminton players? Well, you are at the right spot to grab all the required information about this topic

Badminton is a sport that requires quick movements and a lot of energy. Players need to be able to sustain long rallies and have the endurance to run around the court. A badminton player’s diet should reflect this by being high in carbs and low in fat. Players should also make sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids.

A well-planned diet is essential for any badminton player who wants to improve their performance on the court.

The best diet plan for badminton players will help them to train their muscles better,  increase energy levels, improve recovery times and maintain a healthy weight.

Players should aim to eat a variety of different foods from all the food groups, including complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables.

What is a Badminton Diet?

Badminton is a sport that requires a lot of energy and stamina. In order to perform at your best, it is essential to have a balanced diet that provides the right nutrients to your body. There are certain foods that can help improve your performance on the court and these foods must include the following nutrients: 

  • Carbohydrates.
  • Vitamins.
  • Minerals.
  • Dietary fibers and proteins (but not on the day of the game)

The Benefits of a Diet Plan for Badminton Players

The best diet plan for badminton provides elevated energy levels, a healthy body, avoidance of hunger, better outcome, a sharp mind, better focus, and much more. A badminton diet is a specialized diet plan that is designed to help improve a player’s performance on the court. The benefits of following a badminton diet are numerous and include increased energy levels, better stamina, improved recovery times, and reduced risk of injury in addition to the mentioned above.

Some Well-Considering Points While Making a Diet Chart

A well-planned badminton diet should be tailored to the individual’s needs, and take into account their training schedule, competition schedule, and overall goals. The first thing to remember when creating a diet plan for badminton players is that the requirements of a player on the court are very different from an athlete who is training for another sport. If you are training for another sport, your body will need the protein to build muscle. On the court, however, it is actually the opposite. You want to consume a higher amount of carbohydrates than proteins when playing badminton in order to maintain endurance on the court. diet plan

It is recommended that you consume 300 to 500 calories prior to badminton. Try to spread your meals across the day, so that you don’t have low blood sugar during a match. Do not consume alcohol before playing. Many people make the mistake of drinking alcohol to calm their nerves, but it will actually have the opposite effect and cause you to feel sluggish and tired.

What to Eat Before a Game?

  • Athletes who perform in long games must accumulate a good amount of glycogen in their muscles
  • Carbohydrates play a key role in providing an instant dose of energy so they are an integral part of diet plans for badminton players.
  • Never go for dietary fibers as can cause gas in your GIT.

  A Night Before the Game

   Do not try new food a night before the game, it will upset your stomach and will definitely cause problems during the game. So try starch food that you eat in your daily routine. Some of them are as follows:

  • Rice
  • Potatoes
  • Starchy vegetables like Peas
  • Bread
  • Cereals


  • Alcohol
  • Meat
  • Broccoli
  • Soft drinks

 2 hours Before the Game (In Breakfast)

    Avoid fatty food and prefer fruits and carbohydrate-rich meals. They will provide you with the required instant energy. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking water at regular intervals. Add the following foods to your breakfast before the game to increase your efficiency on the badminton court

  • Fruits






  • String cheese
  • Greek yogurt
  • Cereals with milk
  • Peanut butter


  • Meat
  • Eggs
  • Sugar
  • Soda
  • Alcohol
  • Broccoli        

  2 hours before the game (In Lunch)

Even at lunch, you can’t eat fatty food. So, consume the food that keeps you hydrated and energetic. Here are a few examples:

  • Rice/Pasta
  • 2 cups of vegetables
  • Sandwich with low-fat cheese
  • Low-fiber cereal bars
  • Quick Oats (cooked with water or low-fat milk)

What to Eat During a Game?

Use mainly fluids based on the weather, thirst, and intensity of activity during the game. Following are some basic and best drinks:

  • Water (Best drink, even recommended by sports scientists)
  • Isotonic sports drinks (Most traditional are Lucozade, Powerade, Gatorade, and so on)
  • Fruit and vegetable smoothie
  • Vitamin water
  • Energy drinks
  • Chocolate milk
  • Orange and watermelon slices drink


  • Energy drinks
  • Caffeine and sugar
  • Refined carbs 
  • High-sugar snacks and drinks

What to Eat After a Game?

 After a game, the stores of carbohydrates deplete. So it’s the first priority to make up for this loss. In addition, the body needs protein too to recover the muscle damage.  “When you compete, you break down muscle. The protein helps repair it,” Sentongo said, so too shall be the part of diet plan for badminton players after the game. So we short-listed the best possible foods to consume right after the game. These are:

  • Meat (Grilled chicken, turkey, or fish, etc)
  • Yogurt
  • Raw vegetables
  • Peanut butter
  • Whole grain bread
  • Fruits
  • Eggs
  • Cooked pasta


  • Energy drinks, soda
  • Large, low-protein meals
  • Fried food
  • Alcohol

Why is there a Need for the Best Diet Plan for Badminton Players?

Badminton is a sport that requires split-second decisions and explosive movements. Because of this, badminton players need to have a diet plan that will help them maintain their energy levels throughout a match. A well-planned diet will also help badminton players recover quickly from a strenuous match.

Players who do not have a good diet plan are at a disadvantage because they will not have the necessary energy to perform at their best. Vitamins and minerals are important to help build and repair cells. These are needed for a wide range of bodily functions including growth, tissue repair, metabolism, and nerve function. 

A diet that is deficient in these vitamins and minerals will negatively impact badminton performance. Carbohydrates are a great source of energy. They are also a source of fiber which is essential for bowel movements, preventing constipation, and general gastrointestinal health. 

A diet that is insufficient in carbohydrates can quickly drain your energy stores and lead to fatigue during badminton matches. Fatty acids are an important source of energy for the body. They are also important for brain function, skin health, and healthy cell membranes. The right amount of fat in your diet will help you to perform better during badminton matches.


A balanced diet is essential for badminton players. It helps them maintain a healthy weight, have enough energy to play, and recover from injuries. Players who eat a variety of foods from all the food groups will be more likely to stay healthy and perform well. 

Badminton players should eat food from each of the food groups. A healthy diet will provide all the vitamins and minerals the body needs. It also provides energy to work hard during matches. A diet high in carbohydrates and low in fats is best for badminton players. Carbohydrates provide energy, while fats can slow a player down. The body also needs protein to build muscles. A badminton player should eat four to six small meals throughout the day. 

Because badminton is a high-intensity sport, it is important to eat foods that provide quick energy. Carbohydrates such as fruits and vegetables are good choices because they can be digested quickly. Good snacks include bananas and other fruits, granola, peanut butter crackers, or trail mix.

High-fiber foods help prevent constipation, which can be a problem during high-intensity exercise.





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