When Is A Badminton Match Completed: A Simple 3-Step Guide Along With Tips

This article aims to explore the following query: When is a badminton match completed?

The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive explanation of when a Badminton match is considered completed.

This includes a detailed explanation of the rules and procedures for scoring points, winning games, sets, and matches, as well as information on interruptions and appeals during a match.

It will help players, fans, and referees understand the different scenarios in which a match can be considered finished and provide insight into the important aspects of Badminton match completion.


A Badminton match is a competitive game between two players (singles) or two pairs of players (doubles) who aim to hit a shuttlecock over a high net and into their opponent’s court, in such a way that the opponent is not able to return it.

The objective of the game is to score points by landing the shuttlecock in the opponent’s court or by making it impossible for the opponent to return the shuttlecock properly.

Modern rally scoring involves many new techniques besides agility and strength

A match is considered completed when one player or pair has won the necessary number of games or sets as determined by the tournament or competition rules.

1. Winning a rally 

A rally is the primary unit of scoring in a professional badminton match. 

It is the sequence of shots between two opposing players or pairs in a game of Badminton. It starts when the shuttlecock is served and ends when a player or pair is unable to return the shuttlecock over the net and within the boundaries of the court.

During a rally, players take turns hitting the shuttlecock back and forth over the net, trying to score a point by making it difficult for their opponent to return the shuttlecock or by hitting it out of bounds.

A rally can last several shots, with players moving around the court, trying to keep the shuttlecock in play. 

Tips for Winning a Badminton Rally:

  • Footwork: Good footwork is key to winning a rally in Badminton. Players need to be able to move quickly and easily around the court, reaching for shots and positioning themselves to hit the shuttlecock effectively.
  • Anticipation: Anticipating your opponent’s shots and anticipating where they are likely to hit the shuttlecock next can give you a significant advantage in a rally. Good anticipation skills allow players to get into position early and be ready to hit the shuttlecock effectively.
  • Smashes: Smashes are powerful shots that can end a rally quickly. To hit a successful smash, players need to use their whole body, including their legs, arms, and torso, to generate maximum power.
  • Dropshots: Dropshots are deceptive shots that are designed to drop just over the net and fall quickly to the ground on the opponent’s side of the court. They are effective in winning rallies because they often catch opponents off guard and give the player hitting the dropshot time to get into position for the next shot.
  • Net Shots: Net shots are shots that are hit very close to the net and are designed to drop quickly and land on the opponent’s side of the court. Net shots can be effective in winning rallies because they can be difficult for opponents to reach and return.
  • Deception: Deception involves using various shots and techniques to mislead your opponent and create opportunities to score. Deception can be an effective tool in winning rallies because it can throw off an opponent’s rhythm and make it more difficult for them to return your shots effectively.

A Badminton rally is won by the player or pair who first reaches a score of 21 points, with a two-point lead. 

2. Winning a Set 

In Badminton, a match is typically played as a best-of-three.

A set is won by the player or pair who first reaches 21 points or by the player or pair with a two-point lead at 20-all.

The following are the key aspects of winning a set:

The scoring system in a set is the same as in a game, with points being scored each time the shuttlecock lands in the opponent’s court or when the opponent is unable to return the shuttlecock properly.

The first player or pair to reach 21 points wins the set. If the score reaches 20-all, the set continues until one player or pair leads by two points.

3. Winning the match

Badminton matches are arranged in three sets. So, in a best-of-three sets match, the first player or pair to win two sets wins the match. 

In case each party wins a set in the beginning, there is a third deciding set. The winner of the match is the player or pair who has won the most sets.

When is a badminton match completed?
Winning a match involves subsequently winning the maximum number of rallies and sets

Interruptions during a Match

Interruptions in a badminton match can have varying effects on the match itself. Some common interruptions include injuries, equipment failure, or disputes between players. 


When an injury occurs, the match may be paused until the player has received medical attention and is able to continue. If a player is unable to continue, the match is awarded to their opponent. In cases of equipment failure, the match may be paused while the equipment is fixed or replaced. 


Disputes between players can also cause interruptions, and the outcome may depend on the ruling of the referee or tournament officials. These interruptions can disrupt the flow of the match and impact the performance of the players involved.

It is important for players to be able to maintain their focus and composure during interruptions in order to perform at their best.

Appeal and Dispute Resolution

Appeals in badminton refer to a request made by a player or a team to the umpire for a decision to be reviewed. This could be regarding a call made by the umpire during the match, such as a line call or a call regarding the service.

Players have the right to make an appeal if they believe an incorrect decision has been made.

Dispute resolution in badminton typically involves the umpire and/or the tournament officials. The umpire is responsible for making decisions during the match and ensuring that the rules of the game are followed.

If a dispute arises, the umpire will consult with the tournament officials to determine the best course of action. In some cases, the umpire may ask for the help of video replays or additional officials to assist in the decision-making process.

The goal of dispute resolution in badminton is to ensure that the match is conducted fairly and in accordance with the rules of the game.

It is important for players to respect the decisions made by the umpire and to maintain a high level of sportsmanship, even in the face of challenging or controversial decisions.

This helps to ensure that the match is played in a respectful and fair manner, and helps to maintain the integrity of the sport of badminton.

Dispute resolution ensures fairplay

How to make an appeal?

In badminton, a player may make an appeal to the umpire by raising their hand and calling out “Challenge” or “Video.”

The player must make the appeal immediately after the disputed call has been made and before the next rally begins. The umpire will then review the call using the available technology, such as a video replay or an additional line judge.

Once the umpire has reviewed the call, they will make a final decision and indicate it to the players. If the appeal is successful, the umpire will overturn the original call and make a new one. If the appeal is unsuccessful, the original call will stand and the match will continue.

It is important for players to understand the rules and regulations regarding appeals and to only make appeals when necessary.

Overuse of appeals can slow down the match and can be disruptive to the flow of the game. Players are typically limited to a certain number of appeals per match, so it is important to use them wisely.

Conclusion: When is a badminton match completed?

In conclusion, a badminton match is completed when a player or a team reaches the predetermined number of points, generally.

A match can also end if one player is unable to continue due to injury or retirement. It’s important for players to understand the rules and regulations of the game in order to ensure a fair and safe match.

The completion of a badminton match marks the end of a highly competitive and intense battle on the court, and the winner is determined based on their skill, strategy, and endurance.

  • For more information on the rules of the badminton, visit this article.

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